Friday, December 11, 2009

Amprius' New Silicon Nanowire Anodes

Hey Y'all--

This morning in Comm 435, I presented for our poster research project presentation. I researched Amprius' new silicon nanowire anodes for lithium-ion batteries. The traditional lithium-ion battery anode is made of carbon while Amprius' new anode is made of silicon nanowires. Silicon holds over 10 times more lithium than carbon in its' nanowire form because it has a bigger surface area for lithium to squeeze between nanowires. Researchers have known silicon has a larger capacity than carbon for years, but they have never been able to efficiently cycle the silicon.

This product is in its' first generation and is not on the market yet. This new type of battery will have major implications on the environment. For example, electric car sales have the potential to significantly increase because of the longer lasting battery. As you might have guessed, this will also lead to fewer batteries being disposed of in our landfills which will result in less hazardous waste in our environment.

This morning went so great. I was extremely impressed with everyone's posters. I presented to over a dozen students, my TA Zeynep, and Professor K. while answering each of their questions. I really enjoyed the opportunity to teach others about Amprius' new anode and I hope everyone enjoyed my presentation.

This was a great learning experience and I hope it continues to be a course project for future students.

Check out Amprius' website at to learn more!


Monday, December 7, 2009

Tweeting during our Final Research Poster Presentation

Hey all --

This morning was our first day of Com 435 Poster Research Project Presentations. Half of the class presented their posters today and the other half (including me) will present on Friday. So, today I was part of the audience. Part of our responsibility of being the audience was to talk to at least three individuals and learn more about their topic and then tweet about their poster presentation. Today, I talked to Megan, Tracey, and Kristin (see twitter id's below) about their projects and that's who I tweeted about. They all did a wonderful job. I really like how they incorporated using Twitter in these two days of presentations. The only difficult part of this was many audience members didn't have mobile devices to tweet with nor were the classroom computers working but one. It was not a huge deal since there was a computer lab just two floors down -- it was just a little bit of an inconvenience, but oh well.

I am presenting me poster on Friday, so look for another blog then to read about my experience!


Kristin: @kristinmerrill
Tracey: @TraceyTodd1
Megan: @MegaBethOwen

Monday, November 30, 2009

Bionic Limbs Can be a Fashion Statement, Too!

Hey all--

In Emerging Technologies class we are writing a critical analysis paper in which I have chosen to write about bionic limbs as identity. After watching Aimee Mullins on TED Blog, I have come to the conclusion, bionic limbs are so bad after all -- they can actually be a fashion statement.

It is true, however, that bionic limbs are just as much part of an individuals identity just as our "real" body parts are. Aimee Mullins has made the best of her bionic situation. She is a beautiful lady who has even been featured in fashion runway shows. She has over a dozen different pairs of prosthetic legs including detailed, hand-carved wooden legs that look like wooden boots, glass legs, jelly fish legs to name a few.

Aimee Mullins has definitely made a fashion statement with her legs!

Check Mullins out at the TED conference:

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Visual Recognition Computer Lock

Just yesterday, as I am home for Thanksgiving break, I was trying to get on my mom's laptop so I could check my email, Facebook, etc. When I turned the computer on, it goes to the screen where you click on the user and type in their password to get to the "start" page. When I clicked on my mom's name a box appeared on the screen and reflected my picture. Two little dots appeared on the computer to recognize my moms eyes. If the computer recognizes my mom's eyes, it automatically allows her access, but it if doesn't recognize you and you try to type in the password multiple times, the computer will actually take a picture of you and save--just as a security application.

It was awesome...after about three times of getting the password wrong and the computer not recognizing me, the box on the screen that was reflecting my picture said if I stayed at the computer for three more seconds I was giving my consent for the computer to capture my photo.

I have never heard of this computer brand before, Lenovo. My mom got the computer through Tiger Direct and got a steal!!!

Check it out:

Security First! No ones try to steal this laptop :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Everyone Wants a Longer Lasting Battery, Right?

Hey all --

This morning I was researching on "Technology Review" for an emerging technology I can research in depth about for our Com 435 Research Poster Presentation. I found this new battery interesting, because I get sooo frustrated when I am out with friends and turn my camera on in attempt of capturing some pictures, but my camera doesn't turn on because the batteries are dead! GRR. Amprius, a start-up company in Menlo Park, CA, plans to sell a new battery. The battery is a new type of anode for lithium-ion batteries. It will allow the electric vehicles travel farther and your mobile devices to last longer without a recharge. The anodes are made of silicon nanowires.

Sounds pretty awesome! Check it out on Technology Review:

Monday, November 9, 2009

True or False? A sandcastle worm can medically help humans?

Happy Monday, Everyone!

So our group, Totally Techy (named by me), has been researching what our "emerging technology" should be for our Technology Pitch for Wednesday's class. The panel we will be persuading and presenting to consists of: Professor Kisselburgh, Zeynep, Prashant, and "an expert" (not sure on what). However, our group is trying to persuade the panel to give us money and invest in the company we are representing. The company can't represent themselves because they are not the "communication experts" -- and we are!

David, in our group, came across this awesome idea on Gizmag. It's about some researchers at the University of Utah who are studying the make up of the sandcastle worm's glue. They are interested in the glue because it can solidify and work in a wet atmosphere -- after all, the sandcastle worm uses the glue underwater to make his little home. They said the glue is stronger than super glue!!!

This is awesome because this glue could repair very small breaks and fractures, like in the brain, unlike surgical screws and pins.

I'll let you know if my group ends up getting the researchers funding from the panel!


Monday, November 2, 2009

Dr. V

Hey there!

Oh it really November already, really? This means I must start the job search ASAP. Speaking of job search....Dr. V, a professor at Purdue. was our guest lecturer this morning in my Emerging Technology class. In her lecture she was telling the class that we should have already met our future employer online via Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, etc. I'm some what freaking out right now, because if this is true...I might be SOL. I am going to complete me Linked In page today and start following more PR firms in the Chicago and Indy area. Really, the job search is quite exciting -- I am ready to start my professional career! I don't exactly know where I am going to end up, hopefully in Chicago. I'll keep you updated!

I'll be tweeting....follow me @ericalange and find me on Linked In!

Also, follow Mihaela @mihaela_v and her blog

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wiki World

Happy Fall, Everyone!

In Emerging Tech class this semester, we have learned about "wikis," another emerging technology I am unfamiliar with. Of course, I use Wikipedia....Duh. I also knew that anyone could edit the articles on Wikipedia just because of some stories I heard about people playing jokes on other people. So, if you are like me and don't really know what a wiki is, it is simply it is a collaborative report that ensures important information is elicitied, discussed, and edited. However, you may not have known that Wikipedia is not the only wiki space available. Other sites such as Zoho, Sharepoint, and Confluence are also wikis.

In class that day when wikis were first introduced to us, we watched a short YouTube clip of The Colbert Report and how he asked people to change the Wikipedia article on elephants. It was pretty funny -- you should check it out!

Thanks for reading...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Somewhat Frank"

Hey there!

Just wanted to post a little something about Frank Gruber. His career now is with AOL, but he is also involved in numerous other things in the social media world. One of his many activities is blogging for Tech Crunch, the world's largest tech blog. I am familiar with Tech Crunch from working at my internship with BLASTmedia this summer. When someone got coverage in Tech Crunch, it was a big deal.

Frank is a proud Purdue grad and then continued to get his Master's degree at Northwestern University. He was so inspiring and accomplished. When we left class that day, I was thinking how accomplished he is after being out of school for about 8-10 years. I hope to be just as accomplished when I am about 8-10 years out of Purdue.

You should definently check out his blog titled "Somewhat Frank" at


Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Hey All --

I had to leave lecture a little early today for an appointment to see the doc. -- feeling a little under the weather for the past week. I need to get better ASAP because I'm leaving for Florida on Friday for Fall Break:) I can't wait.

Anyway, today Dr. Chris Miller was our guest lecturer who spoke about "geocaching." To no surprise, I had never heard of it before and was thinking what the heck is he talking about. The more he got to talking, I understood geocaching better and I got pretty excited about the whole concept. I think it's good, clean family fun with a little twist and mystery.

We are doing a geocaching hunt on Wednesday for lab. We will be wondering about Purdue's campus looking for clues. I signed up to be the detective, so this should be interesting...I hope I don't let my team down. I didn't want to sign up as the navigator because they use the GPS, which I am still a rookie at. I know how to use a GPS -- my mom, dad, and boyfriend have them but I didn't want to take that responsibility for the team. So, Wednesday should be fun and interesting....I'll let you know how it goes!

Thanks for reading! Happy Monday ;)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Flickr Your Pics

In Emerging Tech class on Monday, Professor Kisselburgh talked about being able to save your pictures and large documents on a website such as Flickr and Shutterfly instead of on your hard drive to save space. One of the biggest factors that goes into how much you pay for a PC is how big your hard drive is and how much it is able to store. These websites are great resources for people because it means they can get an affordable computer and still be able to store their large documents and photos! These sites are also awesome because they allow you to share your photos with other people, like your family! This is great because a lot of the time, webmail services don't allow you to send large files.

Thanks for reading ;)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Really, trolls?

Happy Hump Day (Wednesday)!

So last night, I am reading for my Emerging Technologies class which is all about trolls and identity deceptions on the Internet. To be honest, I am not a real "techy" person and I have never heard of trolls before...except for the little doll ones I used to collect and play with when I was four.

I don't really understand why there are trolls. Why do they mess with people and frustrate us -- it's mean! Really, do they have nothing better to do? Go outside, trolls -- take a stroll and get some exercise. Maybe you'll feel better about yourself and stop messing with others on the Internet.

Thanks for reading....Have a good day!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My First Blog Entry!

Yay! My first blog entry!

In my Emerging Technologies in Communication class at Purdue, we are to create a blog and contribute to it every week. So, I will try to keep this interesting.

I am really excited to be getting into this social media world. I've also been tweeting since May. However, I really need to step up my tweets. I've found Twitter isn't very beneficial to you unless you Tweet every 5 seconds. Literally, I am totally amazed how often people tweet.

I am glad to be taking this class because a good portion of the class is learning about social media which is what the PR world is turning to. Even though my generation has grown up with computers, that doesn't mean we are totally digital literate. PR and communication professionals might be amazed how many communication undergrads aren't familiar with Twitter or blogging, for instance.

I like this blogging, so stick with me! Thanks for reading:)